Sean Greenbek's Quasi-Diary

Yeah, I said 'diary,' bitch.


Fast Food

Busy college life is beginning to take its toll on me once again; especially in spring quarter where the light at the end of the tunnel begins to shine in, and keeping motivated becomes harder and harder. The first thing that always gets sacrificed when things get hectic is nutrition, and lately I’ve been eating out more than ever.

I feel as though my norm is eating out every other day, which I don’t think is too bad. Lately, though, I’ve been eating out almost exclusively. I must’ve eaten at Wendy’s 10 times over the past three weeks, and various other restaurants get thrown into the mix. Most of them are just as bad.

The money thing isn’t a big issue with me which is why I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, but now I’m actually starting to feel the affects. Lately I haven’t been feeling a hundred percent. That’s not to say I’m not the happy-go-lucky person I normally am, I just feel something not right in my tummy.

So I resolve to cut back and eat more nutritiously this coming quarter. Hell, let’s start tonight. My roommate Greg is making is signature baked ziti.


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