Sean Greenbek's Quasi-Diary

Yeah, I said 'diary,' bitch.



So I've been a physics major for four years now, and I think this quarter I'm finally going to pass intro physics! It's pretty damn exciting. I'm getting good grades, and best of all, things are starting to make sense.

The other day I heard a jet overhead and looked up, but it wasn't there. The sound was lagging behind the jet. So I thought about it, and here's why. The sound is coming from the engines, right? Well, the engines are shooting the sound out the back, behind the plane. That's why it sounds like the plane is behind where it appears.

Now since smaller planes have the blades on the front, the sound gets pushed out in front of them. So it sounds like they're further ahead of where they are.

I'm learning science. It's really cool to be able to explain the world around me.


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