Sean Greenbek's Quasi-Diary

Yeah, I said 'diary,' bitch.



As of Monday I've decided to run everywhere I go instead of walk. Running, first of all, is much much faster than walking. Secondly, running everywhere will keep me in shape. I've been getting a lot of odd looks, but I see no other downside to this strategy.


Tim Horton

So I went to a talk by Tim Horton today. Incase you didn't know, he owns a chain of restaurants originating in Canada. I have to say that this man is fucking brilliant. His whole speech was about how Canada was better than the US and all the proud americans were getting pissed and rabbling until someone threw their soda pop at him and stormed out. But the joke was on them, they threw a WENDY'S cup at him! He owns Wendy's, or something, so that person just put money in Tim Horton's pocket. I think Tim Horton is really the corpse of Dave Thomas, and that is why Tim Horton is so fucking the bomb.